Rezept: Lecker Papaya-Salat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Papaya-Salat. In Isan (and the rest of Thailand), green papaya salad is called som tum, with "som" meaning "sour" and "tum". Green papaya salad is a spicy salad made from shredded unripe papaya. Originating from ethnic Lao people, it is also eaten throughout Southeast Asia.

Papaya-Salat Papaya salad, also known as som tam in Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia, is Best of all, papaya salad is healthy, easy to make and doesn't require a lot of preparation. Authentic recipe and step-by-step video tutorial for the classic Thai green papaya salad by Pailin Chongchitnant, author of the Hot Thai Kitchen Cookbook. Birds eye chili, fish sauce, garlic, green beans, lime, papaya, peanuts, rutabaga, shrimp, snake beans, sugar, swede, tomatoes. You can cook Papaya-Salat using 16 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Papaya-Salat

  1. You need of Salat:.
  2. It's 1 of Papaya.
  3. Prepare 1 of kleine Gurke, geschält und entkernt.
  4. You need 1 of rote Zwiebel, alternativ 2 Frühlingszwiebeln.
  5. You need 0,5 Bund of frische Minze.
  6. Prepare 0,5 Bund of frischer Koriander.
  7. Prepare 1 of Abrieb einer Limette.
  8. It's 1 of frische Chilischote.
  9. It's 1 Handvoll of gesalzene, geröstete Erdnüsse.
  10. Prepare of Dressing:.
  11. You need 1 of Saft einer Limette.
  12. It's 1 TL of Salz.
  13. It's 1 EL of Fischsauce.
  14. It's 1 EL of Sojasauce.
  15. You need 2 EL of brauner Zucker.
  16. It's 2-3 EL of milder Essig.

Learn how to make the popular Thai green papaya salad known as som tam. And before anyone jumps to the comments and yells, "Papaya salad is made with green papaya! Easy and delicious Som Tam (Thai green papaya salad) with green beans, tomatoes, peanuts, and dried shrimp with a tangy pungent chili. Green papaya salad is the most popular dish among women in Thailand according to a The two most popular types of green papaya salad have either dried shrimp or salted crab.

Papaya-Salat step by step

  1. Die Erdnüsse in einem Mörser grob zerkleinern..
  2. Für das Dressing alle Zutaten in einer Schüssel miteinander vermischen und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken..
  3. Die Papaya mit einem Sparschäler schälen, achteln und zusammen mit der Gurke in der Küchenmaschine fein raspeln. Zwiebel in feine Würfel oder Streifen schneiden..
  4. Minzblätter und Koriander grob hacken. Die Chili in feine Ringe schneiden..
  5. Alle Salatzutaten, bis auf die Erdnüsse und die Kräuter, in eine Schüssel geben und das Dressing darüber verteilen. Jetzt mit den Händen alles ordentlich durchkneten, damit alles gut vermengt wird und das Dressing vom Gemüse aufgenommen wird..
  6. Den Salat anrichten und mit den Kräutern und den Erdnüssen bestreuen. Sofort servieren. Dieser Salat schmeckt am besten ganz frisch angemacht..

Add the papaya and peanuts, toss well and serve. I ended up using jalapeno, because that's what I had. Green Papaya Salad (Som Tum) - healthy Thai salad with shredded green papaya, long beans, peanuts and tomatoes. It's light, delicious and low in calories! Inspired by Thai street dish "Som Tam," we use ripe papaya (easier to find stateside) instead of the raw green papaya found in the Thai.