Rezept: Tasty Buddha Bowl

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Buddha Bowl. A Buddha bowl is a vegetarian meal, served on a single bowl or high-rimmed plate, which consists of small portions of several foods, served cold. These may include whole grains such as quinoa or brown rice, plant proteins such as chickpeas or tofu, and vegetables. Buddha bowls — colorful bowls usually composed of vegetables, healthy grains, and protein — are You really can't mess up a Buddha bowl since it's pretty much everything goes, but here're some.

Buddha Bowl A buddha bowl is a whole bunch of good stuff in a bowl topped with more good stuff. Today we are talking whole grains, lean proteins, tons of veggies, nuts, seeds. This nutrient-packed buddha bowl includes whole grains, broccoli, kale, beans, and a The ultimate nutrient-packed vegan buddha bowl! You can have Buddha Bowl using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Buddha Bowl

  1. It's 2 of Süßkartoffeln.
  2. It's 0.5 of Brokkoli.
  3. Prepare 200 g of Kichererbsen.
  4. It's 2 Hand voll of Feldsalat.
  5. Prepare 4 of Möhren.
  6. Prepare 4 EL of Hummus.
  7. You need 200 g of Feta.
  8. It's 1 of Granatapfel.

These delicious, plant-based bowls hail from around the globe and are loaded up with healthy veggies. The first time I heard the name I was delighted. Delighted that somebody had named Of course a Buddha Bowl is always vegetarian, and usually vegan. Check out this recipe for healthy and hearty Buddha Bowls from

Buddha Bowl instructions

  1. Die Süßkartoffeln schälen und würfeln und zusammen mit den Brokkoliröschen in Salzwasser 15 Minuten garen..
  2. Die Kichererbsen abgießen und abtropfen lassen. Die Granatapfelkerne aus der Frucht pulen. Den Feldsalat als unterste Schicht in die Schüssel oder einen tiefen Teller geben. Darauf die Süßkartoffelwürfel geben..
  3. Dann die Kichererbsen darüber schichten. Die Möhren schälen und mit dem Sparschäler über die Kichererbsen geben. Den Brokkoli dazu geben. Alles salzen und 2 EL Hummus pro Portion in die Mitte der Bowl geben..
  4. Zum Schluss den Feta über die Bowl bröseln (ich mache das immer mit den Händen aber man kann ihn natürlich auch kleinschneiden) und die Granatapfelkerne darüber streuen..

Divide rice among four bowls and top each with sweet potato mixture, chicken, avocado, and baby spinach. A Buddha Bowl is a bowl which is packed so full that it has a rounded "belly" appearance on the top much like the belly of a Buddha. It's usually made with simple pure food and enjoyed with deep. The Ultimate Vegan Buddha Bowl - A hearty, nutritious and flavor packed bowl with brown rice, crispy tofu, sweet potatoes, roasted broccoli, red cabbage, avocado and the best vegan peanut sauce! In two bowls, add quinoa, mixed greens, avocado, and chickpeas.